(design and creation being planned) Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a powerful management tool for evaluating data and information about your competition and transforming it into intelligence. Using the intelligence properly, you can develop strategies that will anticipate your competitor’s moves and decrease your response time. In the Human Resource executive’s role as a strategic advisor to the CEO, competitive intelligence is used in developing human capital strategies so that the company can generate above average returns.
How does HR add to the competitive intelligence in their organization? It does so primarily by linking their general business skills and specific HR knowledge to the performance threats and opportunities of the organization. Great recruiters and researchers use competitive intelligence in a variety of ways to advance their organization’s talent acquisition efforts from industry information, company research, organizational charts, employee information, labor market information, and overall trends.
Although competitive intelligence sometimes uncovers unpleasant truths that organization leaders would not like to acknowledge, this course will demonstrate that failure to act on these truths can be disastrous. This online course will uncover how HR professional experts should use their competitive intelligence skills to provide suggestions and recommendations for organizational action. It is a key discipline that enables your organization to obtain a competitive advantage.
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