Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are metrics used to help organizations define and measure progress towards achieving its objectives or critical success factors. KPI's are what we observe in order to verify whether, or to what extent, it is true that progress is being made towards our... more
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) help organizations understand how well they are performing in relation to their strategic goals and objectives. A KPI can be defined as providing the most important performance information that enables organizations, or their stakeholders, to understand whether... more
In this competitive landscape, when everyone is trying to capture your customer’s attention and consumers are selective in engaging with brands, a well-designed and executed survey not only helps you get your customers mindshare, but also puts out the message that you care and need their critical... more
A SWOT Analysis, also known as Competitor Profiling when leveraged on a competitor, is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business situation. A SWOT Analysis can be carried out for a product, place,... more
This online course will describe Porter’s Four Corners, Five Forces, and Six Forces predictive analysis models that organizations apply to internal situations to determine realistic competitor reactions. Each of the three models will be explained along with their strengths, weaknesses, criticisms,... more
Quality is a competitive tool that can result in considerable advantage to organizations that effectively employ its basic principles. Improving quality has become an important business strategy for many organizations including manufacturers, distributors, transportation companies, financial... more